Sunday 16 May 2010

Post-beginning anecdote.

A commendable introduction, and I agree with every word. By the way, my comrade forgot to finish with her name. It's E. Grant.

This 'mutual blod' is going to be the death of me....this post is already the product of my procrastination. I'm supposed to be revising, but clearly that's not happening. As a matter of fact I wasn't the other day either! And I will tell you why, despite my efforts to at least cram an hour or two in before my exam, I was unable to revise.

So there I was, revising away (actually I was thinking about how I should ice the chocolate cake I had just made) and I thought, "I know, whilst I'm revising/icing this cake I'll listen to some music". So off I trotted over to the cd player, when upon arriving at the intended destination I started back; the cd player was not working. You can imagine how confused/disgruntled I was. With a flick of the eyes into my peripheral vision I soon discovered that the phone wasn't working, the same was for the microwave, the fridge, the lights etc etc. It appeared the electricity had gone out! I suddenly remembered that I had seen some electricians working down the road, so I made my way down to said men and asked "Pardone me kinde sire, it appeareth the electricity in my dwellinge is of no use!" Upon which the grungy, horrible (and very pervy) men looked gormless: "Wha?!" They replied. I could have knocked them on the head with a stoon! After a very frustrating interrogation, it became apparent to me that one of the electrical wires had blown and the whole street was left without electricity! So I made my way back home, and as I walked along I thought to myself, "Oh well, at least now I won't be distracted by anything (apart from the chocolate cake) and will actually DO some revision". Oh how wrong I was. As I reached into my pocket to produce the keys that would allow me to enter back into my abode, I realised that I had left them on the kitchen table........I was locked out! (I could even see the little buggers with a cheeky glint through the window). So after sending a frantic text to my sister telling her to get home from school asap, I decided that since I was not bereft of my debit card, a little shopping could do no harm. I made my way into town (Might I add at this point that I was drearily clad and makeup-less, not having anticipated being locked out and being forced to enter into society that day), and ended up buying First Aid Kit's latest album. But even then, when I had found a little joy, I realised at re-entering the house later that I couldn't listen to it, as we still had no electricity. The day didn't turn out so bad however, as our father saw fit (under his children's guidance/abuse) to have mcdonalds and take us to the cinema, what with the lack of electricity for food and entertainment.

And so, that is the tale of my frustrating day of not revising (I was actually secretly delighted, though I'm sure you can tell this, so it's not really secret). You will notice as this blog goes on that the stories will often turn into rather paranormal-esque thillers with a flavouring of, well, the flavour of the day. In literary terms that is. Today you can see it was clearly Chaucer inspired.


Oh, and by the way, as you can see, the picture of the gormless electrician is somewhat shoddily put together. You wouldn't beliiieeeevve how ridiculously hard it is to find a picture of a gormless electrician!

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